Weedy Wednesday - Pearlwort

Published : 05/12/2021

Have you seen small white flowers in your lawn? Or is your lawns colour inconsistent? Do some parts of your lawn look more vibrant than others? You could have a Pearlwort weed infestation!

Pearlwort or Sagina Procumbens is a dense, low growing weed with thin, grass like leaves. It forms small rosettes of creeping stems which roots at intervals, forming a dense mat. Small white flowers appear in the spring, summer and autumn. Pearlwort is a weed that looks similar to daisies.

This weed can be difficult to control due to its growth pattern. It will develop roots at its nodes, creating a dense mat. It seeds profusely if not controlled and the seeds can lay dormant in your lawn before sprouting. Pearlwort prefers wet soil, but has the ability to grow in most types of soil. And its low growth pattern means it can tolerate close mowing.

Pearlwort can and will take over your whole lawn. And Pearlwort removal strategies should vary from case to case. Pearlwort is a weed found in Kikuyu, Couch, Buffalo, and can also be found in golf greens!

If your lawn has a small infestation, hand removal is generally effective. Remember to use a preemergent herbicide to kill any seeds that may have been sewn to prevent them from returning.

If you have a larger infestation of the weed it is a better idea to spray your entire lawn with herbicide. The chances are if you have one weed in your lawn, you’ll have others like; White Clover, Daisies and Dandelions.  When working with herbicides it is best to keep it to the professionals to ensure application is effective and safe. Your local Coochie HydroGreen technician can sort you out here!

As always prevention of a problem is easier than fixing one. Ensure you are mowing and watering correctly, and fertilizing seasonally to keep your lawn happy and protected from weed invasions. The Coochie HydroGreen Lawn Care Program involves fertilising your lawn with a seasonal mix to ensure it has the correct nutrients year round! Our program creates lush, green, weed free residential lawns! Our technicians will also advise you on your mowing and watering habits with each visit to make your lawn the envy of the street!


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