Grass 101 – Zoysia

Published : 02/27/2021

Zoysia is a native turf of Northern Australia and an Australian backyard icon. Zoysia has evolved in the Australian climate and can withstand the harsh and unpredictable Australian climate.

Zoysia is a warm season grass that is dense and tough. While it is a great choice for northern climates, Zoysia cannot survive the more temperate southern climates. It is far from frost resistant, and will quickly brown as soon as the weather cools down.

Not only does this grass type look great but it is super soft to the touch. The blades of this grass form a dense mat, making it perfect for kids and a family to play on. As it is a tough, dense grass it can withstand heavy backyard use. And for  warm season grass, Zoysia is very good at tolerating shade.

Maintaining Zoysia is about as simple as it gets, its low growth pattern means you don’t have to mow weekly, it is drought resistant and needs very little water, however, this turf needs proper drainage and needs to be fertilised seasonally.

Because Zoysia maintains such a dense, mat-like growth pattern it is highly resistant to weeds. This mat will develop over the first 3 years of your lawns life, so it may be more susceptible to weeds during this time.

Zoysia is a great choice for northern climate homes due to its low maintenance and great appearance. You can enhance these benefits by joining our Lawn Care Program. With 6 annual visits to your property, your local Coochie HydroGreen technician will make sure your lawn is getting all the nutrients it needs to maintain its health and appearance. All that will be left for you to do is water and mow!

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