How Long Before I Can Mow My New Turf?

Published : 11/15/2023

When to Achieve that Pristine Mow

Just laid some new turf? Wondering when you can start mowing? Rushing this process can do more harm than good, impacting the lawn's future growth and appearance.

Why Patience is Key

Mowing right after laying turf might seem tempting, but it's a delicate moment for your lawn. Premature mowing can lead to uneven growth, bald patches, and an overall unhealthy look. The key is letting your turf root and settle, ensuring a lush and resilient lawn down the line.

Timing is Everything

Different turf types have different post-installation timelines for that inaugural trim. The establishment period can vary with warm season grasses like Couch, Buffalo, and Zoysia needing more time in winter compared to summer. Generally, mowing is advised when the turf resists being lifted—approximately 10-14 days in warm weather and 14-28 days in cold weather.

Mastering the Mow

Mowing newly laid turf demands finesse. Waiting allows the grass to reach a height that can withstand the cut. When it's time, opt for a criss-cross pattern, with multiple passes instead of a single run. Ensure your mower blades are sharp, cutting no more than 1/3 of the grass height each time. Gradually increase the cut length to support healthy growth. Maintain the recommended height as per lawn characteristics to prevent undue stress on the root system.

Tips for a Seamless First Mow

Embarking on that initial mow? Choose the right mower size for your lawn's dimensions, read the instructions diligently, and select the optimal time—early morning or evening—to avoid the sun's intensity. Establish a mowing pattern aligned with the turf's lay, set your blade height to one-third of the grass's height, clear debris, and start small before advancing to larger areas. Take it slow, clean up afterward, and witness your lawn thrive!

For more insights on nurturing your lawn, contact Coochie HydroGreen for a free lawn assessment and quote.

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