Why Is My Lawn Thin and Patchy?

Published : 12/12/2023

If you've noticed some patchy spots in your lawn, especially if it's one of those warm-season types like couch, buffalo, zoysia, or kikuyu, don't worry – your lawn can still bounce back! First things first, get rid of the dead stuff; a good rake-out helps the healthy grass spread, getting more sunlight, water, and air to your lawn, making it all-around healthier.

Next up, let's boost its energy with a bit of aeration. Compacted soil can be a hurdle for grass roots, so grab a garden fork, poke some holes about 100mm deep, and be careful around any pipes. Water it well afterward to give your lawn a little drink. Water it down well after so the goodness goes deep into the soil. Regular watering over the next few weeks will give you a lush and thriving lawn.

Last but not least, keep up with the regular mowing. It encourages side-to-side growth, making your lawn thicker and better at keeping out weeds. Stick to your usual mowing height, so you don't trim off more than one-third of the leaf at once. These steps will set you on the path to a lively and healthy lawn.

If you are seeking more professional lawn care advice, contact us today for a free lawn assessment and quote!

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