1800 245 955

Become a Coochie HydroGreen Franchisee

Franchising provides an opportunity to run your own business under an established brand, offering a proven business model, comprehensive training, and ongoing support. Franchisees benefit from exclusive territories, marketing assistance, and reduced risk, but success relies on the franchisee’s dedication and adherence to the franchisor’s guidelines.

Expression of interest

Fill out the form below to get started. Our team will be in touch to discuss the next steps and answer any questions you may have. Let’s grow together!

5 Reasons to Love Lawn
care Business.

It’s not hard or manual work – you just spray customers lawns every 2 months… it’s that simple!
You can make a healthy profit with guaranteed income in your first year.
You are out & about visiting customers’ homes, so you have variety in your work and not stuck behind a desk.
You have great training & access to ongoing support – no experience needed.
You’ll see an improvement in your work/life balance & in your bank balance… it’s that good!

Current Opportunities

Established Franchise Resale in Bendigo, Victoria. $200K+GST plus Truck

Franchising Opportunities available with Coochie Hydrogreen in Established Franchise Resale in Bendigo, Victoria. $200K+GST plus Truck

Established Franchise Resale in Geelong & Ocean Grove, Melbourne. $385K+ GST & Truck $80K+ GST

Franchising Opportunities available with Coochie Hydrogreen in Established Franchise Resale in Geelong & Ocean Grove, Melbourne. $385K+ GST & Truck $80K+ GST

Lawn Care and Maintenance Franchise Available in Various Regions of Perth, WA

Franchising Opportunities available with Coochie Hydrogreen in Lawn Care and Maintenance Franchise Available in Various Regions of Perth, WA

Lawn Care and Maintenance Franchise Available in Various Regions of Melbourne, VIC

Franchising Opportunities available with Coochie Hydrogreen in Lawn Care and Maintenance Franchise Available in Various Regions of Melbourne, VIC
Lawn Care

Geelong, Various Regions Available, VIC

Franchising Opportunities available with Coochie Hydrogreen in Geelong, Various Regions Available, VIC

South Coast, Various Regions Available, NSW

Franchising Opportunities available with Coochie Hydrogreen in South Coast, Various Regions Available, NSW
1800 245 955