Top 5 common lawn diseases in Australia

Published : 11/30/2022

Because of the different climatic conditions that exist across Australia, various types of common lawn diseases have evolved to suit these environments. Lawn diseases can seem like a big problem when they first appear, but they can be prevented with the help of lawn disease experts.

Below are a few common diseases that affect Australian lawns.

  1. Brown patch lawn disease:

    Brown patch lawn disease is characterised by brown spots appearing on your lawn. It can grow to be as big as 12 feet in diameter and has a ring of purplish-red blades surrounding the area. The blades inside the affected area die and the grass on top can also die off.
    The Rhizoctonia solani fungus causes brown patch lawn disease, and it is most prominent in late summer and early fall.

  2. Dollar spot lawn disease:

    Dollar spot lawn disease is identified by the dollar-shaped spots that appear in the grass. They usually appear in a pile of grass clippings. The grass blades in the affected area turn tan or straw-coloured and can grow to be a couple of inches in diameter. The Sclerotinia homoeocarpa fungus causes dollar spot lawn disease, and it is most prevalent in late summer and early fall.

  3. Fairy ring lawn disease:

    Fairy ring lawn disease can be identified by its circular shape, and it appears on your lawn with green grass blades that grow outward. The grass in the affected area dies, and the ring can grow to a radius of 0.5 to 4 feet. The Microlaena stipoides fungus causes fairy ring lawn disease, and it is most prevalent in late summer and early fall.

  4. Red thread lawn disease:

    Red thread lawn disease is identified by red bands that appear on the grass blades. The infected blades take on the look of your traditional red thread. Red thread lawn disease is caused by the Laetisaria fuciformis fungus, and it is most prevalent in midsummer.

  5. Snow mould lawn disease:

    Snow mould lawn disease is identified by a white, grey, or pink fuzz on your lawn. This usually occurs in colder areas, such as Tasmania, and late winter or early spring. The grass in the affected area dies, and the snow mould disease can spread to as much as 50 feet wide. There is no known cure for snow mould lawn disease, but watering it in can help to prevent its spread to unaffected areas. Snow mould lawn disease is caused by the Fusarium spp. fungus, and it is most prevalent in colder areas.

    These are some of the top common lawn diseases in Australia. If you notice any patterns in the spots that appear on your lawn or see other similar-looking spots starting to appear, contact the top lawn disease experts, Coochie Hydrogreen right away so that they can correctly diagnose the problem.

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