Understanding Lawn Worms: How They Can Damage Your Lawn

Published : 05/10/2023

A healthy, green, and lush lawn is a source of pride for homeowners. However, achieving and maintaining such a lawn is not without its challenges, one of which is dealing with lawn worms.


A well-maintained lawn not only enhances the beauty of a property but also provides a safe and enjoyable outdoor space for family activities and social gatherings. Moreover, a healthy lawn can also improve air quality, control soil erosion, and increase the value of a property.

Lawn worms are a type of insect that feeds on grass blades and roots, causing damage to lawns. The damage caused by lawn worms can be severe, leading to the death of the grass and the formation of unsightly patches on the lawn. Lawn worms are a type of insect that includes various species such as sod webworms, cutworms, and armyworms. These insects are usually found in warm and humid regions and thrive in moist and shaded areas.

Identification of Lawn Worms

Lawn worms are usually identified by the damage they cause to the grass blades and roots. Signs of a lawn worm infestation include irregular patches of dead or dying grass, yellowing of the grass, and the presence of small holes in the soil.

Worms like to feed on grassroots and can cause extensive damage if they go unnoticed. Some of the most common signs of a worm infestation include:

  • Areas of your lawn turn brown or yellow, which can be due to the worms eating the roots of
    your grass.
  • Spongy or soft patches in your lawn, can be due to the tunnels that worms create under the surface.
  • An increase in the number of birds on your lawn, which can be attracted by the worms.
  • The presence of small mounds of soil can be created by worms as they push soil up to the surface.

Common Types:

Sod Webworms

These are small, tan, or greyish-brown caterpillars that are about 3/4 inch long. These worms damage the grass blades by chewing on them, leaving behind notched and ragged edges. They also feed on the stems and roots, causing the grass to turn brown and die.


 These are dull-coloured caterpillars that are about 1 to 2 inches long. They feed on the stems of the grass, cutting them at or just below the soil level. This results in the death of the grass and the formation of unsightly patches on the lawn.


These are brown, green, or black caterpillars that are about 1 to 2 inches long. They cause damage to lawns by feeding on the grass blades and stems, leaving behind notched and ragged edges. They also damage the roots, causing the grass to turn brown and die.

Impact of Environmental Factors on Lawn Worm Damage

Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and soil moisture can impact the severity of lawn worm damage. Lawn worms thrive in warm and humid conditions, and an overwatered lawn can provide a conducive environment for their growth and multiplication.

Importance of Early Detection and Prevention

Detecting a worm infestation early can help prevent further damage to your lawn. It is important to act as soon as you notice signs of a worm infestation. Prevention is also important, as it can help keep worms from infesting your lawn in the first place. Regular maintenance, such as proper watering, mowing, and fertilising can help keep your lawn healthy and reduce the likelihood of a worm infestation.

Prevention and Control

At Coochie HydroGreen, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn. Detecting and preventing lawn worm infestations can be a challenging task, but our team of professionals can provide effective solutions that go beyond DIY methods.

Our lawn care experts can help you maintain a healthy lawn by providing tailored fertilisation, and watering services. With our expertise, we can help you prevent lawn worm infestations by controlling thatch build-up, aerating your lawn, and removing grass clippings and debris.

If you suspect a worm infestation in your lawn, our team can provide organic and chemical options for controlling the infestation while ensuring the safety of your family, pets, and the environment.

By trusting Coochie HydroGreen with your lawn care needs, you can rest assured that your lawn will receive the best care possible. With our combination of preventative measures and effective control methods, we can help you keep lawn worms under control and maintain a healthy, vibrant lawn all year round. Contact us today to learn more about our lawn care services.

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